Lip flip

Lip Flip

What is a Lip Flip?

A lip Flip involves the injection of small amounts of Botulinum toxin A along the upper lip muscle ( orbicularis oris muscle) , near the border of the lips.

These injections temporarily relax the muscle and “flip” the lip to make more of the upper lip visible. This then creates a subtle illusion of a fuller , pumper looking upper lip. It does not increase the size of the lip, so results look more natural.

A lip flip is a temporary procedure with the effects lasting up to 8 weeks. The procedure takes around 10 minutes and there is no downtime.

A lip flip is a good option for those who prefer a more subtle result and don’t wish to add volume as with a dermal filler lip augmentation.


  • Subtle change , with low risk of overtreatment
  • Cost effective
  • Results in few days – full effect in 10-14 days
  • No downtime
  • Repeatable treatment

Your Appointment

  • Appointments are usually 30 minutes
  • A medical history will be taken
  • Your expected outcomes will be discussed
  • Treatment takes 15 minutes
  • Photography for before and after purposes may be taken . These will remain confidential unless otherwise requested


The treatment involves 4-6 injections into the orbicularis oris muscle along the top lip border.

No anesthetic cream is required and you can expect to be in clinic for around 30 minutes.

Who should not have a Lip Flip?

We recommend a consultation prior to treatment to determine your suitability.

Anti wrinkle injections are not recommended for

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding clients
  • Those with active inflammation or infection at treatment site
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Neuromuscular disorders

Possible Complications

Whilst lip flip procedures are generally considered safe and well tolerated, some injection related reactions may occur, these include

  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

These typically resolve spontaneously within 24-48 hours.

If lager doses are used, the muscle may over relax. This causes the muscle to be too weak to pucker the lips. This could result in

  • Drooling
  • Difficulty in forming some words
  • Inability to whistle or spit
  • Trouble using a straw
  • Trouble keeping fluids in your mouth

These symptoms are not permanent and will diminish as the neurotoxin wears off.

Post Care

Tenderness at the injection sites is common, but should resolve spontaneously. Bruising at the injection sites is less common.

Avoid strenuous exercise post treatment.


Procedure Time

30 minutes

How Many Units

Noted at consultation

Number of Sessions

One treatment every 2 months

Timeframe for Results

Optimum results are visible after 10-14 days

Duration of Results

Approx 8 weeks for most


No downtime